Saturday, November 13, 2010

squirrels are the bane of my existence

All I ask is that I have be able to keep a few plants around to greenen my thumb and flavor my meals, but these damn squirrels just don't want to allow it. Apparently they are just too lazy to dig in real dirt, so they opt to burry their nuts in my pots. Real jerks.

Destructor squirrels reek havoc on cilantro.

I wanted that soil in the pot, thanks.
But I guess I'll learn to accept it. Lord knows I love little, fuzzy creatures (see below).


  1. maybe if you dress the squirrels as dogs, kitty will be a little more defensive when they come around. especially if you dress the squirrels like prevail.

  2. wait wait. squirrels are burying their nuts in your veggie pots?? sheesh. that's rich.

  3. Kitty looks so happy!! The boys still laugh about when we took her outside in the snow and she was so NOT happy! Turrible. (Love that, by the way. I had an Aunt that said that all of the time but she was serious.) The sun suits Kitty much better I'd say.

  4. Better on the porch than in the house, TRUST ME.

  5. we are a mess. hayley has dead squirrels, murn has nut-burying squirrels and a naked kitty tail, and we trapped two racooons and sentenced them to death by animal control officer!!! dammit guys.

  6. I'm happy to say my only unwanted animals are the geckos that live in my cube. and I was already avoiding my cube like the plague so i hardly notice. get it together guys, gosh
