Friday, January 20, 2012

two thousand twelve

I have this feeling that 2012 is gonna be a big year. My new year's resolution was to start running again... and I actually have. I've got a few theories to explain my success.

It's totally the shoes. I got some of the "barefoot" running shoes for Christmas, and I friggin love them. The Merrells, not the Five Finger kind cause I hate things between my toes. Anyways, they rule and make me feel like a total badass. I haven't enjoyed a shoe so much since I discovered Toms. I just wish these were one for one.

Or maybe it's the location. Since I did exactly zero running in this state prior to 2012, every place I go seems new. Some places I've been before, like the experimental forest trails, but anything is more motivating than somewhere I've gone running a million times. Even the area around my home base is still exciting. There are farms, historic buildings, and all sorts of stuff I've never run by before. Including a house that is still rockin' both its Confederate flag and its Halloween decorations. No joke.

In some of the experimental forest in Central.
Good for short runs. Very, very hilly.
On a four mile loop from my house.
Didn't see a single car on this road. 
In addition to my new found fitness, 2012 also rocks because it's an election year.  I know most people are tired of hearing about the stupid candidates and their stupid opinions. I'm not here to do any sort of analysis of the general display of douchebaggery that is the race for the Republican nomination. But I can't say I'm not entertained by it.

I'm not sure who I like the least, Romney, Gingrich, or Santorum; but I do know Newt gets a few extra likability points in my book for his past resemblance to a Mr. Dwight K. Schrute. When that is cause for thinking one is more likable, you know there's a problem with the candidate pool.

Not really. I think he's a total jerk.

If I were able to vote in the primaries (I'm still registered as a democrat in a state with closed primaries), I know the man that would get my vote for sure: Ron Paul. It's not that I agree with all of his view points, but at least I trust the guy to not be a sleaze-ball. He's consistent in what he says, he speaks intelligently, and he is the only candidate that has presented an economic plan that makes sense to me: wars are expensive, so how about America try something other than the 'Bully of the Universe' approach for a while (my words, not his).

I can't say for sure who I'll vote for in November if Dr. Paul does get the nomination, only time will tell. But I do know in 2012, I'm voting for peace.

And finally, the most exciting thing that has happened to me this year. I just figured out I can download all the music I've ever purchased on my iTunes account. All the songs I thought I lost to a faulty hard drive. Say hallelujah!