big packed lunches
For my flight home for turkey day, I packed just about everything in my fridge that I thought might be (a) delicious or (b) bad by the time I got back. On the menu was BBQ pork with black bean salsa and rice, bacon-cheddar biscuits, hummus with bell peppers for dipping, an apple, pumpkin seeds, and yogurt with maple syrup, apples and pomegranate juice. Unfortunately, the jerks at TSA were worried I might have put explosives in with the hummus and the yogurt. Swiped 'em. They tried to take the pork/rice/beans too because it was in a cream cheese container, but I had somethin' to say about that. Well, at least I packed way more than I actually needed...
Beats the pants off pretzels and peanuts. |
I've always found it hard to keep up with reading for pleasure during the school year. So this year I opted to bring short books for the plane ride, rather than starting a new book and never finishing it. My choices: Questions about the Oceans and Michael Pollan's Food Rules.
The ocean book is just one I picked up at an antique store for a dollar. One hundred questions about oceany stuff all answered in less than a page. Stuff like why is the ocean blue? what does the ocean floor look like?, and how accurately can oceanographers predict ice formation, size, and movement? Cool stuff.
Food Rules is just 64 guidelines about food. Here are some of my favorites: "12- Shop the peripheries of the supermarket and stay out of the middle... 27- Eat animals that have themselves eaten well... 29- Eat like an omnivore... 54- Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper." Most of the stuff you've probably heard before, and you spend more time flipping the pages then reading the content, but it was enjoyable nonetheless. I've got Omnivore's Dilemma reserved at the library for Christmas break.
tree stands
To prepare for my potential Christmas break hunting trip with Dad (he shoots the bow, I'll shoot his SLR) he thought I should sit up in his tree stand with the camera for practice. I got up there about about two hours before it got dark and stayed until just before I thought it would be too dark to safely climb out of the tree. But while I was up there, there were two earthquakes, magnitudes 3.9 and 3.2. I wasn't sure I felt anything when I was up there. It just kind of felt like standing next to a big street when a semi drives by, except there aren't really any big streets by our house. When I came inside and they told me it was an earthquake, I was purty 'scited.
steele-family pioneer woman obsession
For all the unfortunate souls that don't know about Pioneer Woman, I am truly sorry. Personally, I have had to restraint myself from being too close of a follower of the PW (pronounced pee-dub). I didn't catch on right away, and now I am already too far behind. If I start reading right now, I will be forced to sit in this chair for the next 36 hours reading about her wonderful life, only to pry myself away and realize that my life isn't half as cool as hers.
Anyways... My mom and sisters are all PW disciples. So our Thanksgiving meal was almost entirely based on her Throwdown with Bobby Flay. Needless to say, it was awesome. Our turkey, dressing, and mashed potatoes were all her recipes. My biggest contribution was the gravy (turkey-pan burnedness and giblet broth, mmmm). It was all too delicious to describe.
my yet-to-be-discovered mexican heritage
Speaking of delicious, I've recently convinced myself that if I was to search hard enough, I could find some genetic reason why I love the flavors of Mexico so much. Tomatoes, onions, jalepeƱos, cilantro, lime, chipotle, beans... the list goes on. Check out today's lunch: a mini torta.
Food Rules is just 64 guidelines about food. Here are some of my favorites: "12- Shop the peripheries of the supermarket and stay out of the middle... 27- Eat animals that have themselves eaten well... 29- Eat like an omnivore... 54- Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper." Most of the stuff you've probably heard before, and you spend more time flipping the pages then reading the content, but it was enjoyable nonetheless. I've got Omnivore's Dilemma reserved at the library for Christmas break.
tree stands
To prepare for my potential Christmas break hunting trip with Dad (he shoots the bow, I'll shoot his SLR) he thought I should sit up in his tree stand with the camera for practice. I got up there about about two hours before it got dark and stayed until just before I thought it would be too dark to safely climb out of the tree. But while I was up there, there were two earthquakes, magnitudes 3.9 and 3.2. I wasn't sure I felt anything when I was up there. It just kind of felt like standing next to a big street when a semi drives by, except there aren't really any big streets by our house. When I came inside and they told me it was an earthquake, I was purty 'scited.
steele-family pioneer woman obsession
For all the unfortunate souls that don't know about Pioneer Woman, I am truly sorry. Personally, I have had to restraint myself from being too close of a follower of the PW (pronounced pee-dub). I didn't catch on right away, and now I am already too far behind. If I start reading right now, I will be forced to sit in this chair for the next 36 hours reading about her wonderful life, only to pry myself away and realize that my life isn't half as cool as hers.
Anyways... My mom and sisters are all PW disciples. So our Thanksgiving meal was almost entirely based on her Throwdown with Bobby Flay. Needless to say, it was awesome. Our turkey, dressing, and mashed potatoes were all her recipes. My biggest contribution was the gravy (turkey-pan burnedness and giblet broth, mmmm). It was all too delicious to describe.
my yet-to-be-discovered mexican heritage
Speaking of delicious, I've recently convinced myself that if I was to search hard enough, I could find some genetic reason why I love the flavors of Mexico so much. Tomatoes, onions, jalepeƱos, cilantro, lime, chipotle, beans... the list goes on. Check out today's lunch: a mini torta.
I know you want one too. And lucky for you, this nearly perfect sandwich has inspired me to start a recipe section on this here blog (if I can figure out how to do that). Expect that soon.
Cause she's just so darn cute, even if her tail hair is having some trouble growing back.
i love all those things too. let's get in the tree stand at christmas. i might need a boost up, but i'm not ashamed. thanksgiving is my favorite holiday also. i remember your gravy from last year and am constantly thankful for that number. wonder if meema remembers you calling her to ask the specifics. if she does, i'm sure she's also thankful for your gravy. haha!